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How to Sign Up for Google Adsense

Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Like the day before yesterday I promise that I will try to discuss about google adsense, and this time it is about ways to register. But before stepping on to the main topic of how to register in google adsense there are some things or rather I call tips how to blog more likely to be accepted a member of Google Adsense, because it is not rare that the blog owners who want to join this program was cured caused the google adsense rejected from the membership itself. 
Who need to remember is these tips that I give is not an absolute thing, if done will be 100 percent guarantee my friend received in google adsense, but is simply a tips for consideration pal all. Well, below I provide some tips for faster on receipt by the Google adsense:

# Speak English 

Blogs that have been registered to google adsense have a primary language English, because English is the language Supported by adsense, who needs to know is if we are accepted by adsense, we can store the ad code on our own blog others, not limited to blogs that have been registered. So just to pass the selection, should make the first English-language blogs. What if I do not speak English and certainly do not have a blog that speaks english? first mate do not give up hope, please try first to register their blogs on adsense because it has a lot of blogs that indosesia language can be accepted by adsense.

# It's a lot of posting articles

Usually this is often the case, a new blog so and only contain one or two posts only articles already been registered to adsense. We recommend that you first fill out his blog a few posts of articles, already have at least 10 pieces of articles before trying to register on adsense.

# Design blogs should be neat 

Should Arrange the first blog that will have been registered to adsense, Google adsense although that does not require that the register is a website or blog that is professional, but adsense does not want his ads on the blog so impressed at the design origin.

# Blogs Keep existing visitors 

That your blog visitors already there, at least it has already been visited by 100 visitors. Besides the need to remember this is a business Google adsense is a business that relies heavily on the blog visitor, it's useless if we already have adsense ads but was still empty of visitors. Visit her blog for many visitors we would have to promote fun to and fro and the contents of our blog in a sense there is something useful for the visitors of the blog.

Maybe it just had a few tips from me for your blog are more likely to be accepted by Google Adsense. Are you ready to sign up for google adsense? Well, please follow the steps below:

# To sign up for adsense you can click on the banner at the top right of this blog 
# After being on the Google Adsense site, please click the dropdown button located on the top and choose Indonesian to be more understood by us.
# Click the Register now
# There are several forms that must be filled: 
 * Website URL [?] -> Content with my friend the URL address. Example:
* Language on the website -> click dropdownnya menu, and select the primary language of your blog, English or Indonesian 
* Account Type: [?] -> Select the individual
# Country or region: -> select Indonesia (adjust the residence pal) 
# Name of payee -> fill with full name pal. This is important, not in brief. For example: Alfa Hatsadz do
# Address: -> fill with full address mate
# City: -> fill in the name of the town where my friend lived. For example: Jakarta 
* State: -> no need, is specifically for the U.S. 
* Postal Code: [?] -> Fill with zip code 
* Phone: -> fill with phone numbers 
* Under article buddy policy, please buddy check all the small box which contains the agreement that my friend agrees 
* Click the Submit button Information 
#. Done. 

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