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The Characteristics of The Website / Blog Favored by Google

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The main purpose of a true blogger to create a blog actual and ought certainly to be liked and interested visitors. However, in line with world progress in Indonesia's pemblogger more and more people from a master and up to the laity began his career became a blogger. And the effect is more and more blogs are popping up. These blogs almost 80% of his quality is not inferior to each other. While 20% of them again is a dummy blogs whose job as a blog supporting the main blog a blogger. Not surprisingly, omnya the bloggers / webmasters so dizzy. Yes, google om, consciously or unconsciously began to lose its quality as the most complete search center. For example, when we search for the keyword "SEO tricks" instead of getting a website that provides an information we need, but instead led to the blogs of SEO Indonesia contestant who recently held flare. 

Therefore, owners need to think also if we should know the characteristics preferred by google blog, for our ultimate goal as a blogger and google as a search engine to provide an information truly useful to the thousands of guests or visitors.

The following points should be noted that blogs could be more intimate friend skipper ama her uncle, Sukur Sukur-lift can be arrived at so niece.

1. Blog with a composition and a clear link text. Each page must be achieved at least one static text link. 
2. Blog that offers a site map for visitors with a direct link to goto the importance of your blog. If the sitemap there are more than 100 links, buddy should separate the site map to a different page. 
3. Blog that contains useful information, solid and clear and can accurately describe the content of the website. 
4. Look for keywords that are highly sought others. 
5. Must use text instead of images, if you want to display the name, describe the content or links. Google will not recognize text contained in images. 
6. Make sure the title tags and attributes that my friend use accurate and describes the content of the blog. 
7. Diligently examine whether there are dead links or incorrect HTML code. 
8. When my friend to use dynamic pages (such as URLs that contain sign "?"), be careful because not every search engine can index dynamic pages. Try to create parameters as short as possible and a little bit. 
9.Don't forget number of links in your blog / website or friend in a rational number. 

I hope this article useful to skipper yourself and us all, keep learning to become better, support this blog visitors to the skipper who is studying this blogspot SEO to become more Maik again in writing articles that are useful to the blogger buddies. 
Read More - The Characteristics of The Website / Blog Favored by Google

How to Sign Up for Google Adsense

Like the day before yesterday I promise that I will try to discuss about google adsense, and this time it is about ways to register. But before stepping on to the main topic of how to register in google adsense there are some things or rather I call tips how to blog more likely to be accepted a member of Google Adsense, because it is not rare that the blog owners who want to join this program was cured caused the google adsense rejected from the membership itself. 
Who need to remember is these tips that I give is not an absolute thing, if done will be 100 percent guarantee my friend received in google adsense, but is simply a tips for consideration pal all. Well, below I provide some tips for faster on receipt by the Google adsense:

# Speak English 

Blogs that have been registered to google adsense have a primary language English, because English is the language Supported by adsense, who needs to know is if we are accepted by adsense, we can store the ad code on our own blog others, not limited to blogs that have been registered. So just to pass the selection, should make the first English-language blogs. What if I do not speak English and certainly do not have a blog that speaks english? first mate do not give up hope, please try first to register their blogs on adsense because it has a lot of blogs that indosesia language can be accepted by adsense.

# It's a lot of posting articles

Usually this is often the case, a new blog so and only contain one or two posts only articles already been registered to adsense. We recommend that you first fill out his blog a few posts of articles, already have at least 10 pieces of articles before trying to register on adsense.

# Design blogs should be neat 

Should Arrange the first blog that will have been registered to adsense, Google adsense although that does not require that the register is a website or blog that is professional, but adsense does not want his ads on the blog so impressed at the design origin.

# Blogs Keep existing visitors 

That your blog visitors already there, at least it has already been visited by 100 visitors. Besides the need to remember this is a business Google adsense is a business that relies heavily on the blog visitor, it's useless if we already have adsense ads but was still empty of visitors. Visit her blog for many visitors we would have to promote fun to and fro and the contents of our blog in a sense there is something useful for the visitors of the blog.

Maybe it just had a few tips from me for your blog are more likely to be accepted by Google Adsense. Are you ready to sign up for google adsense? Well, please follow the steps below:

# To sign up for adsense you can click on the banner at the top right of this blog 
# After being on the Google Adsense site, please click the dropdown button located on the top and choose Indonesian to be more understood by us.
# Click the Register now
# There are several forms that must be filled: 
 * Website URL [?] -> Content with my friend the URL address. Example:
* Language on the website -> click dropdownnya menu, and select the primary language of your blog, English or Indonesian 
* Account Type: [?] -> Select the individual
# Country or region: -> select Indonesia (adjust the residence pal) 
# Name of payee -> fill with full name pal. This is important, not in brief. For example: Alfa Hatsadz do
# Address: -> fill with full address mate
# City: -> fill in the name of the town where my friend lived. For example: Jakarta 
* State: -> no need, is specifically for the U.S. 
* Postal Code: [?] -> Fill with zip code 
* Phone: -> fill with phone numbers 
* Under article buddy policy, please buddy check all the small box which contains the agreement that my friend agrees 
* Click the Submit button Information 
#. Done. 
Read More - How to Sign Up for Google Adsense

How to Create links in Blogger Post

So you have known How to upload images in Blogger now, right? Now, how to create links in blogger post. What is link? In the world of Internet, link is a highlighted text or image that connects to another web page, either in the same website or to other website.

The first thing to prepare in creating a link is the URL or link to where the link is directed, whether it is the link of another post, or the link of a website, e.g. 

How to know the link address of a post? Referring to blogger blog, to know the link address of a post is by clicking the title of the post, and then view in the address bar of your Internet browser. What is a link for? Link is to connect between one web page and another one. For instance, if you are writing an article that is still related to a previous post, you can create a link to your previous post so your readers can click the link to read your previous post. In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a link is a very influential factor.

post url

OK, now suppose you have owned or prepared a link to be inserted in your article or post, so follow the instructions below in case of creating a link in blogger post.
  • Login to Blogger with your ID.
  • Click New post
  • Input the title and article as usual.
  • Highlight the text you want to include the link.
  • Click the “add and remove link” tool.
    create ink in blogger
  • Enter the link you have prepared into the field under the text “To what URL should this link go?” Then click OK.
    edit link
  • Click Preview to see whether the link works or not.
  • Click PUBLISH POST when all is OK
  • Done
Read More - How to Create links in Blogger Post

How to upload Video in Blogger Post

Not only images or links that can be inserted into Blogger, but videos can, too. Therefore, today’s post is about How to upload videos in Blogger post.
The first thing you have to prepare is a video file of your own :)
Let’s go to the point. Follow the instructions below to upload videos into Blogger post.
  • Login to Blogger with your ID.
  • Click New post
  • Insert the title and article to publish.
  • Click Insert a Video tool.add video in blogger
  • Click Browse, and then Upload.upload video
  • Click Preview, to view the display that your post would be after published
  • When you are sure, click PUBLISH POST.
  • Done
Read More - How to upload Video in Blogger Post

How to Change Template in Blogger

Template is a design for your website or blog. It has nothing unless applications and components (including images, flash, stylesheet, background, etc) to build an integrate website or blog. How a website or blog would appear or what will make a website or blog look like after you fill out with posts, widgets, header image, and so on, is called a template. A template has made this blog look like this, which has been built by orders of images and texts.
In Blogger, you can change the template freely by your own sense, at anytime you want. Blogger has provided several templates for you to choose from.
The following is the way to change Blogger template.
  • Login to Blogger with your ID
  • Click Design.  design in blogger
  • Click the sub menu tab, Template Designer. Then you will see a new window as Blogger template designer. blogger template designer
  • Click on any template available. If you have found the most suitable one, click APPLY TO BLOGtemplate designer
  • Done
Read More - How to Change Template in Blogger

How to upload Images in Blogger

Uploading images to be inserted in an article, actually, is a part of our previous discussion named How to post an article in Blogger, but for more specific and complete, I decided to separate them.
Since we are talking about How to upload images in Blogger, so the first thing you have to prepare is the images to be uploaded into Blogger. After that, follow the instructions below, to upload images in Blogger.
  • Login to Blogger with your ID
  • Click New Post.
    new post
  • Make sure you are in the Compose mode editor.
    compose mode
  • Like posting an article, type the title in the adjacent field.
  • Type your article in the provided field.
  • Click “Insert Image” tool.
    insert mage tool
  • Click “Choose files”.
  • Find and select the images you want to upload from your computer.
  • Click Add selected.
    upload images in blogger
  • To edit the image, e.g. the layout of the image: right, center, left; the size of the image: true, medium, small; or adding a caption, etc; click again the image to display the options.edit image in blogger
  • If you have found the most suitable layout, size, or caption of the image, click Preview to view how the image would be like in your blog after published.
  • If you think the image is at the best form, click PUBLISH POST, and then your image will be online and readable throughout the world by Internet connection.
  • Done.
Read More - How to upload Images in Blogger

How to Publish a Post in Blogger

After you have known about Blogger’s Old Post Editor and Blogger’s Updated Post Editor, as you may have read those articles before, or visit now if you have not yet read them, now you should know How to post an article in Blogger. Of course, at this post, you should improve your knowledge in using the tools provided at both Blogger post editors.

Many bloggers that use Blogger platform don’t use directly the Blogger’s post editor in writing a post, but they firstly type it on other media such as Microsoft Word or the like, and then they copy and paste it into Blogger’s post editor. This way is not recommended because using Microsoft Word or the like will result in many unwanted codes. If you like this way, you had better use pure text editor such as notepad, wordpad, or the like, and then you can copy and paste into Blogger’s post editor.
The following are the steps needed to post an article in Blogger.
  • Login to Blogger with your ID
  • Click New Post.
    new post
  • Make sure you are in the desired post editor, either Compose mode or Edit HTML mode. As an example, this article uses Compose mode.
    compose mode
  • Type the title of your article in the related field.
  • Type your article in the field provided.
  • If you want to add the special effects such as bold, italic, different Font size, etc, you should highlight the desired text, and then click the related tools.
  • Define the most suitable label (category) for your article in the field provided at the bottom, e.g. Healthy, Sports, etc.
  • Click Post Option, where you will find the specific options or functions, e.g. allow or don’t allow comment for the article, and so on.
    post in blogger
  • Before you publish your article, you had better preview it by clicking the PREVIEW button. This button is useful to view the display of your article after you publish it. The preview of your article is not published, but it’s provided to make you sure with it and only you can see it. Do editing if you still find it imperfect to be published.
  • If you think your article is ready to publish, just click PUBLISH POST. Thereby, your article is now online and readable throughout the world by Internet connection.
  • Done
Read More - How to Publish a Post in Blogger

How To Create Blog In Blogger

Of course you have often heard about Blog, right? Or perhaps, you have known it. But if you are still new to blog, below is the discussion.

What is Blog?

Blog is short for “Web log”. It is a web application containing writings that are commonly called posts on web pages. The writings are often ordered from the newer to older.
At the beginning of its presence, blog was used to write personal notes online, but along with the development and popularity, blog becomes more similar to a website in general, which contains tutorial, business, online store, and so on.
In blog terms, there is what is called Blog Platform, e.g. Blogger or WordPress. Blog platform or people like to call as blog machine is designed in such a way by programmers or developers in order to be easy in use. Previously, to create a web-based application, they needed the knowledge on any programming language such as CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and more, but with the presence of blog platforms, all becomes so easy because just by clicks on buttons, your blog can be accessed.

How to create a blog in Blogger

One of the most popular blog providers today is, so I am trying to discuss about how to create a blog in Blogger. Why should we create blog in Blogger not in any other blog provider? Actually, there is no obligation to create blog in Blogger, but the easiness given by Blogger has made beginners right to choose it.
However, it needs to be emphasized that the Internet world is dynamic, so it is possible to experience many changes in the future that this Guide to creating blog in Blogger will not be relevant anymore in
The following are the steps to create blog in Blogger:

Creating Email

Email is one condition to fulfill when you want to create a blog, so make sure that you have owned an Email. Since we want to create blog in, which is owned by Google, email from Google Mail (GMail) is highly recommended. See how to create email in Gmail at How to create email in Gmail.

Creating Blog in Blogger

  1. Please visit the site
  2. Now, I suppose you have a Gmail email. Login to Blogger with your Gmail ID and login
  3. Click CREATE A BLOG
  4. Type the desired title of your blog and blog address. Remember! Be serious in naming your blog because it will be permanent (unless you use Custom Domain). If blog address is unavailable (has been used), try another one and so on. Click arrow-shaped button with the text “CONTINUE”.name your blog
  5. Choose the template you like most (it can be replaced in the future), and then click CONTINUE.choose a starter template
  6. The text “Your Blog has been created!” will appear. Continue by click START BLOGGING.start blogging
  7. When you enter the post editor, please write anything (suggested to create a post to avoid blog locking), e.g. Hello world. Click PREVIEW to view the display of your blog, or directly click PUBLISH POST if you want to publish editor
  8. Click “VIEW POST” to view your blog. See the example below:
  9. Done
Read More - How To Create Blog In Blogger

What is a Domain?

To create a website or blog, you will need a domain. What is domain? In general, domain means a place or territory, or area under control, and so is it on the Internet. You need a place at where your website or blog would be established.

A domain is unique by its name that one domain only belongs to one owner. So, if one domain name has been used by one person all over the world, the domain name cannot be used again by anyone else all over the world. The term domain name only refers to Domain in the daily practice and usage. The examples of domain:,,
The extensions make domain different, which usually means the purpose or goal of the website or blog, e.g.
  • .com  ( read; dot com ): for commercial websites
  • .org  : for organization websites
  • .info : for websites that contain information
  • .biz : for business websites
  • .gov : for governmental websites
  • etc
However, now domains often don’t define an identity. Often, domain with .org is used for personal website or blog, not for an organization. Domain with .info is often used for commercial websites, not for information websites.

Domain can be bought at domain providers or sellers, e.g.,, and more. Need to know that domain name is not permanent, but you buy it for a certain period, one year, two year, and so on, which is based on yearly hiring contract.

In addition to domain, there is also a term “sub-domain”. It is created under its main domain, which can be acknowledged by its writing, i.e. separated by a dot (.).
Read More - What is a Domain?

Semi Auto Generated Content For Blogspot - AGC

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At this opportunity I will from share Some tips for bloggers WHO my friends again lazy or do not have much time to write and posts. In accordance with the post title "Semi-Generated Content" which cans be defined by half of the "Auto Generated Content (AGC)". The Point Is That We only need to edit Some posts are automatically That ENTERED in the "Entry List" Blog EACH of us. The Following equipment friends blogger must Provide:
1. Account Blogger 
In this case must be clear Semi-Generated Content blogs that will be friends for the theme and contents where [Themes Blog]

2. Account YahooMail   
Used as a source of articles which will automatically fill in the "list entry" Blog Semi-Generated Content us.  

The steps are as follows: 
1. Create a blog with a specific theme, for example about "arimatematika
2. On the tab "settings" select sub menu "email and cellular" like the image below:
 3. At the option of posting input the email address which you wish, this email is a subdomain of the Google Email,, you can see in the image. In the picture above it is rppsilab[at] with the email I fill sub arimatematika. So his email is rppsilab.arimatematika[at] Please note at the bottom of the image above check "save the email as an entry concept" for our trim before published. [This is what I mean by Semi-Generated Content For Blogspot, articles entered automatically, but will still need to edit manually so neat when we show in the posting.

4. After that you stay at a UK join yahoogroups with YahooMail account that already friends created. [More and more groups which followed, more and more articles which get listed in our blog entries]. Join the groups distinguished according to the theme Generated Content Blog Semi-be brother made. When you join fill in the email reply we have created in step 3. See screen shoot below
Just imagine in which a relatively short time, a list of my blog entries reach 346 postings list. Can see the screenshot below on my blog titled "READ" which I started from 09th december 2010.
But this blog is not I manage it well, because I want my blog which focus on education, blogging must focus and should focus into writing original content that would be better.
Read More - Semi Auto Generated Content For Blogspot - AGC

Different Thumbnails On Home Page

I do not know whether to use wordpress plugin to display different thumbnails on the home page, but it can be done more easily in blogger. Enough with the conditional tags.

Thumbnails will be used on the home page to give an idea of ​​the contents of the article, and will disappear after the visitors went into the article. One of the blogs that implementing this system is bloggerplugin. Here I will explain the application.

We will use the conditional tag that govern the appearance on the pages of articles (items).

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

To wrap a certain class. This class will be placed in an HTML image you wish to be a thumbnail. 

Here's the total code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type='text/css'>

.thumb {display:none}


Put the above code </head>


Sign in view the first post & when inserting images into articles, will appear the following code:

<a class="thumb" onblur="try
{parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}"
href="...s1600/anonymous.png"><img style="display:block; margin:0px
auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width:
35px; height: 35px;" src="...s400/anonymous.png" border="0"
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5529584144433618498" /></a>

or ,
<img class="thumb" src="...s1600/anonymous.png" alt="" /> 

Add the red code as shown in the HTML above. The point is the class = "thumb". Commons is a set that thumbnails / images dihidden if go to page the article.
Read More - Different Thumbnails On Home Page

Optimization blog with Google Page Speed ​​and Yahoo! YSlow

This post is a continuation of my previous writings about the subject of 15 How To Optimize Blog To Appear Faster, create a who already read please continue reading this article, if not .. please read first, due for discussion this time we directly analyze practice using the tools, and article I wrote earlier that as the handle will not just let any sort confused if a page must be optimized.

Optimization of this time is actually aimed at reducing the error message when the browser for rendering on a page. The logic is that fewer and fewer mistakes would be the better because this will reduce the heavy work of the browser or at least we try to save on bandwidth usage.

Google Page Speed 

For the first optimization tools, I usually use Google Page Speed, but because these tools are made by directly from Google, these tools also provide fairly complete information about reporting errors on the page. Each of our blog page automatically analyzes will be reported into the table lists. Page Speed ​​will determine and inform you in detail what errors are found, other than an error message, there is also in informing the message of truth, which means found some page elements that do not need to be repaired because it was considered correct. 

The page is finished analyzed Google Page Speed ​​usually be given a value (score). Value best score is 100, remember! not easy to reach a value of 100, my advice is sufficient to reach a score of 80-90/100, even this has been spelled out pretty good numbers.

So how to fix the error?

Any error messages displayed in the list are all of course have no solution, say the message is displaying "Remove unused CSS" which means we are asked to dispose of unused CSS code. Please click the link that displays the error, Google will automatically provide the best solution to resolve the issue. Well, we just learned it the task instructions and tips on optimization from Google.

Yahoo! YSlow
Google Page Speed ​​In addition there is one more tool that I usually use that is Yahoo! YSlow. Options on YSlow because I realize this tool is developed by Yahoo, of course accuracy diragunakan not need anymore. Actual workings from YSlow information report errors and breast bengeknya almost the same as Google Page Speed, they both provide information on repairs and of course how to handle errors. Mecolok difference lies in the provision of Value page, if Google Page Speed ​​based on the Score, Yahoo's YSlow Grade AF itself based on where the value of Grade A is the best value and Grade F is the worst value. Like I said above would be very difficult to achieve a perfect score, my suggestion is among Grade BC only.

Well, now it's up to colleagues just choose from the two tools above, both are equally good. Save me choose one only, because the two tools above certainly gives a different score value.

How To Install: 

Before attempting the second above confirm Peer Tools already installed firefox plugin for Firebug, ok! if so, please install plugin for Google Page Speed ​​and Yahoo YSlow.
Read More - Optimization blog with Google Page Speed ​​and Yahoo! YSlow

How to Create a Website / Blog On Google's Main Page

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Got a Website / Blog. Still Minimal traffic or visitors?


Want to Appear on Google's main page and become number one in the MAIN PAGE OF GOOGLE!

Find out how at Google Confidential


Having a website / blog without traffic or visitors is to be thought "Why my blog is not a visit or just stop by." That's usually the question in the hearts of the owners of blogs that lack visitors.

Then how to have a website / blog our many visitors?


Please see the pictures below ..
muncul di halaman utama google
Of the approximately 819,000 articles on "key smadav 8.4", CahBorneo.Com was ranked first in Google's main page.

If traced, in Google Analytic data will be found as follows:
muncul di halaman utama google 
Statistical data Google per day

On 24 and 25 traffic from the search with the keyword "key smadav 8.4" and "key smadav 8.4 pro" is still 0 (blank). Emerging traffic on 27 January. This occurs because the new CahBorneo write articles with keywords key smadav 08.04 on January 26. So only takes 1 (one) day to get position on Google's main page. And a decline until the number 0 again which caused internal problems in hosting CahBorneo.Com.

Another example is an article about the plugin wp syndicator.
muncul di halaman utama google
CahBorneo ranked 2 after YouTube on a search with the keyword "wp syndicator"

muncul di halaman utama google
And .. CahBorneo occupies the first position on the main page of google with keyword "wp syndicator download"

Even CahBorneo occupy first and second positions on the main page of Google with the keyword "Key eset 2011"
muncul di halaman utama google

Then, what is the link between "POSITION DETERMINING ACHIEVEMENT" with the number of visitors?


If you look carefully and understand the picture above .. you will know that perched on the first page let alone in first place search engine like google is very important.
A research states that:

Most of the visitors who are looking for something in serch engines with certain keywords would rather open a website / blog that appeared on the main page of Google or other search engines.

And it's not kidding .. Try to ask yourself or your own behavior carefully when you come to search engines like google and look for something with certain keywords, links from websites / blogs on the page where you will open. Are pages to four, five, six or so ... ???!!! You alone can answer.
But in reality it is true ... plumpness earnest people click on the link on the main page just on search engines.

So, OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT also determine. The more we blog appears on the main page of google or another search engine, the more the number of visitors to websites or blogs without having to pay adwords to bring traffic.


The question that then arises is "How does your website / blog can appear on the main page of google??"

Answer "Classical" is a Newbie:
  • Submitting a website or blog URL to search engines and verification.
  • Put meta tags in blog
  • Find keywords that are "OK" on the post.
  • Seeing the competition keywords that will be installed.
  • Write an article that many of searching today.
  • And ... Perhaps there are many others that are not added.

What is the Answer "Classic" is wrong?

No. Nothing wrong with that answer, because most people (webmasters) once it was put on classical technique. It's just the way the web master is different from the way we (and I'm not saying that I am including the webmaster's. Just an experience and "little research" quite a long time that I get). The webmaster just need a few clicks to perform in ways the "classic" is.

Then where the BEST way to do?

One of the main questions and always arises is how to dominate Google, because most people understand that Dominate Google with only determine Keywords completely going to change their Web site traffic and in turn business and sales will be smooth. However, in reality there is so much conflicting information on the Internet to uncover the puzzle "how to dominate Google's" Google Confidential is there any really powerful? and what precise steps to be taken as guidance, it is very confusing because of too much information. Which is real and which ones work? Having a desire to Dominate Google in Your Niche or Industry is a valuable goal, but what steps you need to do to actually achieve it? Answer a Webmaster is:
  • Learning to become the Google Webmaster
  • SEO, Good or offpage OnPage
  • SEO content
  • Activity in the air "Website"
  • Link Quality
Read More - How to Create a Website / Blog On Google's Main Page

Unique Code: U9FZZJE6X92A

Unique Code: U9FZZJE6X92A
Read More - Unique Code: U9FZZJE6X92A