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Creating RSS Feeds For Websites That Do Not Support Feed

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Website standards usually without the support of Rss Feed, it's different if we use a blog platform like Blogger, Wodpress and other platforms that are already embedded in advance syndication Rss Feed. Rss Feed virtue is none other as the easiest way for the reader (subscriber) via an online feed to find out the latest updates on a site, but it certainly is very large role Rss Feeds for search engine spiders to index all pages for Website.

This tutorial I will show how easy it makes Rss Feeds quickly without having to use a particular software or without having to write lines of XML code that makes us dizzy.

Tutorial Feed with Goolge Reader:

Step I:
1. Please visit the Google Reader, log in as usual.
2. Go to Notes

3. Point your mouse over the button Note In Reader, then drag and drop it by holding the button clicks and referrals to your bookmarks tab companion website (in the example I use the Flock browser)

Links Google reader is already saved in Bookmarks

4. Now open the companion Web site that you want to add RSS feeds, example here I use the Premium templates.
5. Block most important writings by colleagues, from the title and brief description. Then click the Note in Reader, which is in the Bookmarks

6. Dialog Box will appear Google Reader on the right.
7. Here please uncheck Check to Add to shared items, enter the name into the major Tag Add Tags (example: Hatsadz Lamp), and make sure colleagues use the same tags for every page that will co-create a feed.

9. Click the Post Items

Step II:
1. Go to the Settings menu, then click Settings Reader

2. Select Tab Folders and Tags
3. Will show the name tag that has been co-created, do not forget to set the feed is grayed out (private) to the Public
4. Do not forget to note / copy the link address.

Step III:
Steps to make the feed is almost done, now we burn the links that have been peer Feed copied with Feedburner. Sorry I can not describe at length about registration FeedBurner, here I consider colleagues already know how.

Last Step:
In order to support direct website Rss Feed, associates only need to add code below into the website. Place between Tag  <Head> </Head>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Title website" href="" />

Note: If someone wants to add new feeds to the page, associates can easily distribute it via RSS feed by simply repeating the first step.
Read More - Creating RSS Feeds For Websites That Do Not Support Feed

Views Function Code To Manage Content Blog

As we know, the template style blog Style Magazine is one of the favorite templates that are often in use by the blogger. One characteristic of a blog template with Style Magazine is a widget that appears and then disappear or vanish initially and then appeared on a page or a blog post.

This is the type and function code to set the display content from blogs appear and disappear and vanish then appear. you can apply to adjust the look of your blog widgets.

1. Only the Blog Main Page

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> ... </b:if>
This code serves to display the widget only blog on the main page blog only aliases will disappear when my friend clicks Labels Post or read postings in its entirety. Examples of the use of this code can you see the following blog demo. If my friend read the article in whole or clicking the post categories, 3 columns above the main post will disappear.

2. Categories Post and Single Post

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'> ... </b:if>
This code serves to display the widget on a blog post and single post category (read the whole post.) Example use this code you can see in the demo blog earlier when my friend clicks on the category in which the post or read postings on the whole, the widget on the footer column titled - Everyday New Free Blogger Templates emerging. This widget will not appear on the main page blog.
3. Main Page and Blog Post Categories

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'> ... </b:if>
This code serves to display the widget on the main blog post and category posts and will disappear when I read the posting in its entirety. Example use this code in the widget demo blog is on the left sidebar under the title New Templates. If my friend read a posting in whole or clicking on the category of post (About and DheTemplate in the navigation menu), then the widget will disappear.

4. Single Post
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> ... </b:if>
This code serves to display the widget only on a single blog post alone or when you read the posts as a whole and will not appear on the main post or category of post. Example use this code in the demo blog is the left sidebar widget with a title Blog Templates where when my friend read a posting in its entirety, then the new widget appears.

5. Main Page and Blog Post Categories

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
The function of this code is equivalent to the code number 3.

6. Blog Widget Display Only In Specific Postings

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;URL_POST&quot;'> ... </b:if>
This code serves to display a widget blog at a particular post. For more details, please view the demo blog buddies. Then click the Post article with the title - Everyday New Free Blogger Templates. You will see a widget blog with the title Templates By DheTemplate appear. Widget will not appear when my friend read another blog post. For example, my friend read the blog postings on the demo with the title, then the widget will not appear.

7. Hiding Widget Post On Specific Postings Only

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != &quot;URL_POST&quot;'> ... </b:if>

This code is the opposite of code blog no 6 in which the widget will disappear from a particular post and was to appear in another posting. For more details, click the article pal post with the title - Everyday New Free Blogger Templates and appeal if the friend clicks on the posting with the title What will you get?? Widget BlogList blog with the title appearing on posting articles with titles - Everyday New Free Blogger Templates and new widget appears on posting articles with titles as well as other articles and postings that the main page and category post.

Maybe that's all I know about how to create widgets of the blog appears to be disappearing or disappeared and then emerged. To implement the above code there are 2 ways: directly on the widget and in groups (perhaps in a next article).
Read More - Views Function Code To Manage Content Blog

Make Highlighting Current Page or Current Menu on Blogger

Highlighting Current Page or Current Menu is usually interpreted as a marker for the current active page when the user is in a particular page, say in the pages Home, About, Help us and Contact. On Blogger itself was actually only recently been planted this feature if we are to enable a feature to page (Page). But for some reason most bloggers including myself are not so interested in using.

What makes I'm interested to discuss this Page Current function because almost all the templates that I provide on this site is embedded feature to display the navigation menu, unfortunately, yes it was, the menu should be good even as simply as a decoration substitute for links only, and mostly just look beautiful when users mouse over (mouse hover) but has no marker features that the menu should look actively participating in the page that are also active.

As an example please see the demo colleagues on this site.

There we can see when colleagues are in the area of ​​the page HOME, HOME menu link is also seen to participate actively. Neither time colleague's how the FAQ page and a few other menu that looks also participate actively.

Let it easier to learn please Download Demo Menu examples I've designed here

OK directly to the tutorial course yes. Oh yes, the example below the menu are not the same as sample menus on this site, but colleagues can edit the menu as needed. Frankly I trouble to explain it, because almost every code CSS Menu has a unique design and berbeda.Tapi with this example I'm sure colleagues at least have little idea how to Aktive Curren Page / Current menu is working.

1. Please immediately go to the Edit HTML page

2. Put the CSS code below just above the code ]]></b:skin>
#nav ul {
background:url( repeat-x left top;
border-bottom:3px solid #98CB00;
border-top:1px solid #00CCFF;
#nav li {
#nav li a {
padding:5px 15px 4px;
font:bold 16px "Trebuchet MS";
letter-spacing: -0.1em;
#nav li a:hover {
#nav li.current {
background:url( no-repeat center bottom;

2. Put the JavaScript code below just above the code </head>

<script type='text/javascript'>

function extractPageName(hrefString)
var arr = hrefString.split('/');
return (arr.length<2) ? hrefString : arr[arr.length-2].toLowerCase() + arr[arr.length-1].toLowerCase();
function setActiveMenu(arr, crtPage)
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if(extractPageName(arr[i].href) == crtPage)
if (arr[i].parentNode.tagName != "DIV")
arr[i].className = "current";
arr[i].parentNode.className = "current";
function setPage()
hrefString = document.location.href ? document.location.href : document.location;

if (document.getElementById("nav")!=null)
setActiveMenu(document.getElementById("nav").getElementsByTagName("a"), extractPageName(hrefString));


3. Then please find the following code in the line of code in Edit HTML page

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

Then put the following code right above the code above.

<div id='nav'>
<li><a href='/'>HOME</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>FAQ'S</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>HELP US</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>CONTACT</a></li>
<script language='javascript'>setPage()</script>

Current Stock for Page / Menu to work, colleagues must replace the # above with an active post the url address.

To create and edit the menu display is much more beautiful than the example above menu colleagues should inevitably have much to learn HTML coding, CSS and Javascript.
Read More - Make Highlighting Current Page or Current Menu on Blogger

How to Create a Sub Domain CO.CC

Friday, May 06, 2011

Hatsadz Lamp - Maybe it's a lot of people who know this trick, to the extent that people will read it-was reluctant to read the article, but, what they teach is to use existing period expired or mass entry into force, although suangat long, but, when time we certainly will not feel uncomfortable?

Well, here I want to show you how to create sub-domains directly in in realive, do not believe it? Consider Gan (KasKus langue mode: On)

1. Log into your Account respectively at https: / / / log_in_out / login.php

2. After that, you will be presented with a form that contains four domain address that you have created (If you successfully login).

3. Select the domain you are going to make sub-domains, here and in this example, I will wear
4. Klick Setup
5. After that, you will be presented with the Setup Form

6. Klick zone record
7. In Host, enter what you want to make sub domain, for example hatsadzlamp
8. And automatically, the domain will be out is
9. In Value, enter

10. Klick Setup
11. Successful !!!!!

Then, what should we do next?

Setup Sub-Domains within our own platform, here I use

1. Log into your Account Platform (In this example I use Blogspot)
2. After work, go into SettingsPublish menu and there should you choose is fitting Domain Change

3. Then select Switch to advanced settings

4. Enter Sub Domain you have entered and setup before, namely
5. Enter Capcay (Verification Words
6. Click Save Settings 
7. Successfully !!!!!!!

8. Then click on View Blog
Read More - How to Create a Sub Domain CO.CC