How to make a android application is one of the material presented in an event held on Saturday Dicipok, dated January 28, 2012 yesterday, betempat in Joglo Abang, a house owned by a blogger from Jogja, Suryaden.
In a material way to create applications that convey the mas android Sony Set, participants are taught the technical make android application.
Android application that looks very rumut, it can be made quickly so long as the creator has the right tool.
The very enthusiastic that last session. Nearly 5 pm session Mas Set new Sony was really over.
The very enthusiastic that last session. Nearly 5 pm session Mas Set new Sony was really over.
Before Mas Sony Set deliver material to make any android application Mubarika Ms. Damayanti describing monetize blog. Where the advertiser is still an opportunity to be very promising because of spending on advertising through the media is still very open blog.
Besides those two, Ma'am
Mubarika Damayanti and Mas Sony Set, there are two more speakers. The first session of the contents by Nurudin Jauhari mas. Mas Nurudin Jauhari convey the basic techniques WordPress blogging CMS pake. Start early to make WordPress based blog.
After Nurudin mas, the session continued with the speaker of the Society Tuesday POND "Anggoro Love". Described about Javanese culture. That Java is not the physical sekedari island of Java, but more in spirit, attitude to life,
Oh yes, almost forgot, the mas Sony session on creating android application, Mas Sony Distributes Free tools for creating applications on the android.
Besides those two, Ma'am
After Nurudin mas, the session continued with the speaker of the Society Tuesday POND "Anggoro Love". Described about Javanese culture. That Java is not the physical sekedari island of Java, but more in spirit, attitude to life,
Oh yes, almost forgot, the mas Sony session on creating android application, Mas Sony Distributes Free tools for creating applications on the android.
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